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What could an Astronaut and a Ballet Dancer have in common? 
Answer: Their Movement.

In space, astronauts move almost as if they are dancing between one place and another as they float around in zero gravity. Inspired by aerial and ballet dancers, this wearable, full-body device called Orpheus offers astronauts in the International Space Station an entirely new way of exercising.

Concept Studies

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Creating a robust foundation for the project to evolve.

The branding and also a technical briefing was a necessity to keep the ideas and the designs on the same path. Since Orpheus was also a thesis topic, scientific articles and publishing were guiding the rules and standards which needed to be followed. To be able to gather this infos, I should thank Arizona State University, Johnson Space Center Space Vehicle Mockup Facility engineers and designers, and also JSC Exercise Training Facility Coaches for their time and support.

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Exoskeletons are designed to help, and assist the user. But the definition of 'exercise', is to moving against the gravity with a repetitive force.

If we think about exo-skeletons in general, they are mostly designed to help/assist the users current move or task. But let's imagine that we are reversing this concept. Rather than helping, the exo-skeleton is resisting to the body in a controlled way, and thus let's the user performs an exercise move. 
To achieve this idea, orbital gearboxed are combined with Brushless DC motors. From a single joint, the system creates around 250 Nm of force, and a combination of several joints in a compound exercise is enough to fulfill the weight-limiitations of the ARED device. 

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Breaking the habits. Seeing problem solutions through a designer's eye, for a conservative industry.

The current Advanced Resistive Exercise Device is large, static, and lacks versatility in terms of the range of exercise and muscles worked. Orpheus not only offers a major reduction in mass and volume (thanks to its aluminum and carbon fiber structure), it also gives astronauts the ability to move freely while applying resistance to the muscles. It’s not only adjustable to suit each user’s unique body shape and size, but programmable to provide fitness routines and muscle training techniques that can be user-adapted. 

Visual Prototype creation.

The aluminum structure combined with CNC cut body instruments.

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NASA Johnson Space Center, 2017

Workshop & Technical Trip 

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